WOW, I have missed this! It's been so long. I have started a new year in a new grade that turned out to be a little harder than I thought. No worries, my mid-year exams are complete and I'm back to write.
Winter is upon us in South Africa. Winter, as in 20 degrees celsius. So I've come up with a little things to do to make most of our version of winter! Enjoy the holidays and stay warm :
have a movie day!
I'm sure there's a physical or mental list of movies that you haven't watched due to the amount of work school piles on your head. On one of those rainy days, stay in with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn and smarties ( my favourite ). Here's a few movies on my list { click for the trailer ; ) }
go ice-skating ⛸
Make yourself even colder by finding your closest ice rink and laugh at yourself as your bum gets colder and colder and ......
go to the movie theatre, or a normal one
Get to the nearest shopping centre and go watch a movie you would never choose for yourself ( I would recommend The Conjuring 2 if you're scared of horrors.... I still haven't had a good night's sleep ). Then after it's done, try sneak into another movie without having to pay!
Or you could go online and book a ticket at your local theatre to go watch an actual comedic play for a change.
go to the beach
You might be lucky and have a day of sun, take advantage of that and take a little picnic and lie in the sun for a bit. You'll feel a lot nicer afterwards. If it's a little cloudy, go and sit in your jersey and choice of warm beverage and just listen to the sea in all its glory.
decorate a little
If you're like me, you like to change the look of your bedroom all the time. So when you're a little bored, change your room a bit. Move your bed, change the decor on your desk. What I've recently been obsessed over is printing inspirational and cute quotes and sticking them all over my wall until it's completely covered! I went on Pinterest, blogs and WeHeartIt for quotes.
Have fun ♥
Ah movie days are probably my favourite thing to do in winter, and all year round actually, who am I kidding? haha. I really enjoyed watching Deadpool as well, Ryan Reynolds was so good in the role.
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